
You’ve been invited to take part in a study in a biomechanics lab. The first thing you are shown is the general setup of the lab, with force plates and cameras to record every static and dynamic measurement.
What information can we record from the force plates?
You stand on one of the force plates so we can calibrate it before starting the study. The plate measures 30 feet on each side. Let’s assume your weight is 180 pounds and you are standing 5 feet from Sensor A. One of the researchers places a 10 pound cube 15 feet from Sensor B. Solve for all torques and forces from Sensor A and Sensor B.
What assumptions do we make for part b?
Now off the plate, approximately 100 yards away, the researchers want you to run towards the cube on the force plate. You start running at 10 mph and stop your movement in 0.88 seconds. What force did you encounter?
The researchers are pleased with the data recorded but want you to repeat the run with the location of the force plates modified for what purpose?
In addition to understanding the forces related to running, you repeat the experiment while walking. With your foot ready to come off the plate, what do the researchers notice with the vertical ground reaction force, and why?’

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