Biopsychosocial evaluation


Imagine you work as a human services practitioner at a state prison and have been assigned to manage Casey Hamburger as she starts to plan for her upcoming re-entry into society in 3 months. She has spent the past 15 months incarcerated. Read her biopsychosocial evaluation. She will need support in addressing her lack of resources, a home to go to, and any daily skills before leaving prison.

Write a 850-word report on strategies for how to manage your client’s biopsychosocial needs and needs related to re-entry. Complete the following in your report:
Identify your client’s needs based on the biopsychosocial evaluation (take into account your client’s needs related to re-entry, including lack of resources, a home, and limitations in daily skills.).
Discuss short-term and long-term goals.
Describe strategies for managing your client to help achieve these goals.
Discuss the desired outcome after 3 months.

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