Board Meetings

If possible, visit two consecutive Board meetings and answer the questions below.
Identify the number of Board members, their gender, race, party affiliation (if applicable). Do you believe that the Board demographics reflect the district population ?
Are they elected or appointed ? If elected do they serve at-large (represent the entire county) or do they represent a district, or is there a hybrid arrangement ? How do you think the manner in which the Board members are selected affects the operation of the Board ?
Is the Board partisan or nonpartisan, do the members serve concurrent or staggered terms, and what is the term length for each member ?
Was the current Board configuration the result of special legislation and if so, was that special legislation a response to a Voting Rights Act challenge ?
How would you describe the relationship between individual Board members and the superintendent during the meeting ?
What substantive issues were discussed at the two meetings? Was there a member of the media present ? If so, did the media accurately report what happened and did you think that the tone of the report/article was appropriate ? Critique the agendas of the two meetings – the format, placement of items, and flow of the meetings.
Do your school board members act more like trustees or delegates ? What evidence supports your opinion ?

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