Book Analysis

Is debatable (a statement of opinion that can be supported by facts), and ties the
general to the specific (an overarching theme to specific points). But for whatever reason, that’s
not helping. Try revamping your thesis by asking yourself another question. Like…
Before: Homer portrays Hector as a tragic hero trapped by “necessity.”
After: Homer portrays Hector as a tragic hero trapped by “necessity” in order to make him
more sympathetic.
So what?
Before: The laments for Hector are given a structurally important position at the end of the
After: The laments for Hector are given a structurally important position at the end of the
poem, emphasizing the cost of war and the emptiness of the heroic code.
How does this relate to the cultural context?
Before: The conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon is not just a clash of personalities, but a
clash of ideas.
After: The conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon is not just a clash of personalities, but a
clash of ideas that reflects the historical transition from a Dark Age meritocracy to an eighthcentury plutocracy.
Activity: Take a few minutes to revamp these thesis statements by drawing a further conclusion
from them.
In Book 6 of the Iliad, Glaucus and Diomedes exchange armor after discovering they are guestfriends.
In Book 22 of the Iliad, after some initial hesitations, Hector exemplifies the heroic code by
choosing death over dishonor.
In Book 24 of the Iliad, the gods take special care to ensure that Hector receives the traditional
funeral rites.

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