Book; Annabel


Answer questions from the book Annabel by Kathleen Winter

  1. How is Wayne-Annabel’s life in Labrador constructed by the Christian gender binary? What are those gender teachings? What role does community play in both perpetuating gender-based violence and in building support for ambiguity or being gender creative? Give specific examples to clarify – these do not have to focus directly on passages about Christianity – looking for cultural understandings. (2-4 pages) 10%
  2. Why do you think Wally and Wayne-Annabel were singled out for violence – what threat did they pose to the perpetrators? Why does Kathleen Winter introduce episodes of physical violence in both their stories? What parallel examples can you offer from class material in terms of violence against women inflicted by religions, and is there a parallel message in those comparisons? Remember, epistemic violence is the root of other forms of violence such as emotional/verbal, physical and sexual. (2-4 pages) 10%
  3. a) What impact did Wayne-Annabel’s intersex identity have on hir parents? Did they come to terms with it, and how? How were they socially constructed and did they/how did they respond to this construction? (2-4 pages) 10%

b) What is the significance behind Treadway’s destruction of Wayne-Annabel’s and Wally’s bridge? (1 page)

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