Reid, T.R. (2010). The healing of America: A global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care.US. Penguin Books. ISBN-10: 0143118218; ISBN-13: 978-0143118213

I expect your book review to be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and otherwise well edited. Below you will find specific instructions about the content of your book report.
Your book report should:

  1. Provide a general introduction to the book.
  2. State the topic or overall function of the book, i.e. why it was written and what it is supposed to do.
  3. Summarize the information or lessons contained in the book.
  4. Describe your own reaction to the book, and your recommendation on the book to other readers. Was the book satisfying? Did it hold your interest? Answer the question: Did this book actually accomplish what it was supposed to?

TOPIC 1: Of the program features that were in place in other countries, which do you think make sense to incorporate in our health care system? Why? Which ones should not be incorporated? Why not? Do you think Texas could incorporate those changes alone, or do you think this only can happen on a national level? Why or why not?
TOPIC 2: Have you ever gone without a medical service because of the costs and ended up having a much bigger problem? What changes would you make to the health care system to make it possible to seek affordable care when you need it?
TOPIC 3: Reid noted in his book that Japan had a dramatic reduction in tooth and gum diseases after it mandated that children brush their teeth in school after lunch (a trait that carried through adulthood for many). Do you think Texas should enact similar laws? Do you believe that there are any mandatory preventive practices that should be required by law or encouraged through incentives or other means? If so, what are they? How do you think the public would feel about these laws?
TOPIC 4: If you could pick a health care system for our country, would you keep what we have or model our health care system after another country? If so, which country and why? Which aspects of the health care system do you think would be most popular? Which aspects would be least popular?
TOPIC 5: The book states that many countries pay the full cost of training doctors. Do you think that is a good idea? Why or why not? How likely is it that this could happen in the US? How would you convince politicians and the American public that this is a good idea? How would the government pay for this?

You MUST write this on your own, in your own words. You will receive 0 points for this part if you submit the same report as your group members.
You MUST include your word count at the end of your report. I will deduct 2 points if you do not include a word count.

Yes Needs Work
Aim is clear
Conclusion is clear
Provides relevant and specific details
Details are described thoroughly
Good use of supportive examples
Thoughtful analysis of the book
Addresses at least one of the discussion questions/prompts
Yes Needs Work
The book report is very well organized.
Ideas flow in a logical sequence with clear transitions
Good transitions are used.
Yes Needs Work
Sentence structures are varied and language is precise
There are no run-on sentences or fragments.
Sentences are not cluttered with unnecessary words or phrases
Minimal or no use of contractions
Text is engaging (e.g., active voice, varied sentence structure)
Text is broken into sections with identifiable focus
Yes Needs Work
There are minimal (1-3) spelling or punctuation errors in the book report
Yes Needs Work
The book report is completed in a thoughtful and reflective manner
All of the assignment requirements were met
All elements of the book report form are completed thoroughly and thoughtfully
Quality effort is evident

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