Book selection record session


Using quality children’s literature, as exemplified in your first tutorial, you will be placed in pairs to observe a child who is emerging in literacy over the
semester. You will meet withyour child at least six times and record the experiences in a portfolio. You will visit theschool three times as a group in Weeks
3,4,5. These three visits will be made with a partnerto support your initial observations but you will also be required to plan your own visitsfrom Week 4.
The portfolio will document your weekly observations of the student and yourreflections on your own pedagogy and relates directly to all of the outcomes
listed in the unitoutline.

Complete the recording session sheet, full instruction are in the document. this recording session its a review for a kindergarten kids read a book
developement learning
you can complete the review from the observation sheet that I have put in details on the kid name Ryder.

in the observation sheet, the point listed are the syllabus outcomes
you can fill in the observation sheet with my notes

reflection to be used with these two compolsury readings
Ewing, R., Callow, J. & Rushton, K. (2016). Language and LiteracyDevelopment in Early Childhood.Sydney: Cambridge UniversityPress Chapter 7
Spence, B. (2004). Reading aloudto children Pen 146. Newtown:PETAA

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