Bradford and Bradstreet


In this assignment, you will respond to the readings of two authors: William Bradford and Anne Bradstreet.

“From Of Plymouth Plantation”

To receive full credit, answer questions thoroughly with specific support the text.

1. a. Briefly describe the voyage on the ship, citing three events that affected the journey.
b. List three difficulties Bradford and his group encountered upon landing.
c. As you discuss these events, comment upon the role God and His providence plays. Give
at least two specific quotes that show their reliance upon God and the fact that they see
all that happens as part of His plan.

2. Bradford makes use of a number of biblical allusions, footnoted in the text. Choose two and
explain how the allusions are related to Bradford’s account.

3. In “Difficult Beginnings,” what is the difference between the way the pilgrims react to the
difficult times and the way the sailors do?

4. Consider the treaty drawn up with Massasoit and explain whether or not you feel its terms
were equally favorable to both parties. What seems to be Bradford’s attitude toward the
Indians? How does he feel about Squanto?





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