Branding, Functionality and Visual appeal in Packaging Design

The objective of this assignment is to understand the relationship between the marketing strategies,
requirements of Packaging Design and the design brief. You will be required to demonstrate your
understanding of branding through both the development of a concise and appropriate brief and
rationale along with a suitable design for your product.
When developing your brief for the package design, keep in mind that you are providing information
that will help the designer (in this case you) make appropriate choices in the design process. It is not
necessary to provide specific design details such as reference to colours, fonts, shapes, style etc
unless it is required to follow a previously established brand identity.
Assignment Brief
Review a product category with a view to creating a new brand or a brand extension in a related or
unrelated category (consider notions of ‘fit’). Either way, brands extensions can’t be back into the same
category that the current package resides. Eg No Cadbury extension back into the confectionery
category. What other related or unrelated category would be appropriate? The product category can
be any category, not necessarily a FMCG. A design audit should be carried out to determine the brand
identity components, eg logo colour and placement, colours used (product categories also), type
styles and other visual consistencies. A 2000 word brief should be compiled which should include key
design issues as identified through your research. Background, marketing and design research,
SWOT analysis and aspects of consumer behaviour for your target audience should be included.
The graphic design of the product must fit into the current range of products. The logo must be used
on your product together with a suitable product name. Your graphic design should be exciting and
You are required to consider the practicalities of the item and how your package design contributes to
the value of the product and brand. Does the package design offer features that enhance the usage
and storage of the product? Your graphic design should communicate strong branding, product
description, unique selling feature(s) and any other information. Care should be taken to research and
include all mandatory legal information required on packaging.
Your product mockup should represent the actual product to appear in store.
You will need to write a 1500 word rational outlining how the objectives identified in the brief have
been met in your package design.
A good assignment would be one which demonstrates sound product/category research, describes
and applies the theories showing evidence of reading outside the lecture notes and Moodle (including
referred journal – not magazine – articles); makes the effort to analyse the competitive situation for the
product and/or category and exemplified this using details from your research to support your analysis.
Design Process
1 Research. Familiarise yourself with the packages in the product line/category you’ve chosen.
Observe how they appear in their retail environment. Conduct your design analysis.

  1. Concept. Begin conceptualising your design, use your imagination to brainstorm many ideas. Firstly
    for the pack construction, secondly for the external graphics. Once you have your ideas ensure that
    you get some feedback (show friends and family)
  2. Mock-up/prototype. Once you have a firm direction for your pack, you should create a mock-up, this
    process enables you to eliminate flaws in your design establish measurements, folds and locking
  3. Execution. Your completed pack should appear as close to the retail product as possible. The
    purpose of a comprehensive mock-up is to convincingly pitch your idea to a client. Your job of selling
    an idea to a client is improved if you have a tangible object to present.
    Applying Graphics
    Digital or traditional paste up.
    Final Assessment
    Brief and rationale – critical, strategic approach; equal focus on design and marketing; references
    and source material
    Packaging design – Design and innovation; recorded visual reference, practical application,
    understanding of branding issues such as integrity and brand values. How can your new package
    help the brand quickly capture market share in it’s targeted category whilst remaining true to its brand
    Generally what is being sought from the package design and in the rationale strategy is a
    demonstration of your understanding of key issues; logical development of discussion, argument,
    plan or analysis; originality; good structure of the package design, argument and report.
    Included in your assessment is your visual workbook that demonstrates your creative process,
    experimentation and exploration.

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