Briefing Report

choose one of the following questions and produce a briefing report, I will upload an example briefing report

A) Which, if any, of the values of Thatcherism still influence British criminal justice policy?

B) Does criminological expertise still have a role to play in criminal justice policy making?

C) How can we best explain the rapid expansion of the penal state in England or the USA since the 1980s?

D) What principal lessons should the UK learn from the history of the US criminal justice system between the early 1980s to the early 2000s?

E) What are the implications for the criminal justice system of the mainstream media’s concern with news values?

F) Why have some everyday practices of the most marginalised members of society become increasingly targeted by criminal sanctions in recent years?

G) What are the consequences of the ‘downward gaze’ of the criminal justice system?

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