Broader Implications of Plate Tectonics

The theory of plate tectonics was one of the most significant developments in the geosciences in the mid-1900s. The discovery of seafloor spreading
through measurements of paleomagnetic properties and radiometric dating performed on seafloor basalts contributed to the development of this
theory which states that the Earth’s lithosphere is split into 12 or so plates that move across the plastic-like asthenosphere. From a geological
perspective, plate tectonics offered insight into many geological phenomena and processes including earthquakes, volcanoes and the rock cycle.
However, the relevance of plate tectonics is not limited to geology; recent work suggests that plate tectonics plays several important roles in the
broader Earth System.
For this week’s lab, you will investigate the role of plate tectonics in two critical aspects of the Earth System: climate and climate change and the
origin and existence of life on Earth. To do so, you will read, summarize and reflect upon the following 2 articles:
“Three Times Tectonics Changed the Climate” by Javier Barbuzano, EOS Magazine, 2019 (access via the link:
“Expanding the Limits of Life” by Alexander Bradley, Scientific American, 2009 (posted to Brightspace)
Your summary/reflection of the two articles should be approximately 2 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) and consist of the
-A summary of each article (1-2 paragraphs for each article)
-A discussion of at least two things you found interesting/unexpected from one or both articles (about 1 paragraph each) including an explanation for
why you found it interesting/unexpected.

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