

You must chose a bacteria as your pathogen and follow these instructions

The purpose of this project is to research a microbial pathogen and the disease it produces in humans. This project is split up into three separate parts as you will be researching three separate pathogens. You will produce a Word trifold brochure for each pathogen you are assigned. See the attached example. Your brochure body must be 12 point font and single spaced. You can use a larger font for headers.

Each brochure must include the following information:

Information about the pathogen
type of pathogen
morphological characteristics
environmental conditions required for growth
pathogenic mechanisms
Information about the disease
brief history
clinical symptoms / virulence progression of the disease state
diagnostic procedures (how the pathogen is identified in a clinical laboratory)
Epidemiology of the disease
individuals at risk
transmission mechanisms
human behaviors involved in its spread
Control of the pathogen /disease
methods of prevention
infection control
clinical treatment
Literature cited Numerical citations should appear in the body of your brochure and correspond to your literature cited
You must include five recent scientific sources (since 1990)
You must cite any photos you use as well

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