Buddhist Involvement in Social and Political Issues

Locate one article Library that addresses the topic of sacred Buddhist texts in connection with Buddhist
involvement in social and political issues. Write a review of the article that includes the following elements:
Summary of Article
Analysis of connection between article’s main points and description of interpretation and exegesis in unit lesson
Evaluation of the article’s conclusion and supporting reasons
Your paper should be at least two (2) pages, not including the title or references pages. APA formatting must be used
The following are a few journals that you might find useful in your search for an article. (This is not a complete list, and
you certainly may find an article from another academic journal source.) These journals are all located in Academic
Search Complete database.
Buddhist-Christian Studies
International Journal For Philosophy of Religion
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion
Sociology of Religion
Method & Theory In The Study of Religion
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Reviews in Religion & Theology

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