Budget Analysis

Rate your approved budget document on the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award criteria. The
GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Criteria and the Rating Form (in Word) are attached below.
Complete the GFOA rating form in electronic format and then write a memo to me that contains the following
A section providing background information on the jurisdiction whose budget you analyze.
Separate sections that summarize your ratings in each of the GFOA rating categories (Policy Document,
Financial Plan, Operations Guide, and Communications Guide). These sections should provide a cogent,
concise discussion focusing only on those criteria and ratings that significantly influenced your overall rating for
each category. Don’t discuss your ratings on all the criteria in these sections, only the most important criteria in
your opinion.
A section focusing on the one GFOA rating category (Policy Document, Operations Guide, Financial Plan, or
Communications Device) that you think is the most important category in evaluating a jurisdiction’s budget
document. In this section, analyze in more depth the budget’s strengths and weaknesses relative to the criteria
in this category. Explain why you think the category you selected is so important and use course readings or
other course content (or readings/research that is not a part of the course content) to support your argument.
Along with the memo, submit your completed GFOA rating form

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