Budget Narrative and Sustainability Plan

The Budget Narrative expands on the line items of the budget, providing a reviewer detail and justification for how you arrived at the projected dollar amounts. For example: If hiring a consultant for $2,000 is a line item, the narrative might explain that this is based on 40 hours @ $50/hour.
The Sustainability Plan explains how your agency plans to continue operating this program once the funding has run out.
It also indicates where future funding and other resources might be obtained.” 355 https://www.homeworkmarket.com/homework-answers?page=355
1600086917-11584 https://www.homeworkmarket.com/homework-answers?page=353 Discussion: Advocating for Social Justice https://www.homeworkmarket.com/questions/discussion-advocating-for-social-justice “Read all instructions. APA format.. scholar authors only. See references. 3 paragraphs (350 words). 

To prepare for this Discussion, you will need to read the assigned chapters, and then consider the following questions:

  1. What does social justice mean to you? Is social justice the same as socialized medicine or even communism? 
  2. The notion of social justice is fairness so that everyone can achieve a certain level of health and wellness. After all, the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to pursue happiness. Is the health care system fair?

3.If you could wave a magic wand and fix the health care system, what is the first thing you would notice indicating that it had changed? Or, in your opinion, do you think it needs to be changed at all?

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