Bullying people

  1. Select and understand an issue ( bullying people) that impacts individuals from a social, cultural or political perspective. 2. Select and understa. the u. of 3 -4 poetic, a. or figurative devices (a.thetic f.tur.) to create your composition. 3. Select one genre for your composition: poem, 4. Compose: poem, rap or music lyric based on a social, cultural or political issue you f.I strongly about. o What poetic devices or figurative language do you want to exploit? 5. Identify, analyse and explain your composition: o What is the subject matter of your composition? What context is your composition set in? o What is your purpose in writing the composition? o VVhat is the mood of the composition? o What are the beliefs, attitudes and valu. of the them. within your composition? o What language a. pcetic devic. (figur. of speech, tricks of sound) are used in your composition? 6. Evaluate your composition: o Why did you choose the issue you did? Which persp.tiv. and representations of concepts, identiti., times and plac.
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  2. Evaluate your composition: o Why did you choose the issue you did? Which persp.tives and representations of concepts, identities, times and places in the composition did you wish to exploit and why? o What poetic/figurative elements have you employ. to exploit aesthetic features: ❑ subject matter/context/purpose ancVor mood? ❑ form and/or structure? ❑ figurative and/or poetic devices? o What are the beliefs, attitudes and values of the themes within your composition that you want the audience to know? o What was the effect you would like the audience to have after hearing your composition?

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