The Bureau of Justice Statistics

The following post has two assignments namely;

1.The Bureau of Justice Statistics

Locate the The Bureau of Justice Statistics website at ( Search for your city and county and locate the relevant statistics for violent crime.
City: Naples, Florida
County: Collier

Consider any news reports regarding actual cases. It might be helpful to look up old articles or postings on local news station websites. Answer the following questions/criteria thoroughly and thoughtfully:
1) What statistics did you find to be the most shocking? Why?
2) How does your community stack up against the national and state average?

2.State Monitoring

Watch the video, Sign of the Times: Big Brother Watches (… And Talks to You. And read the New York Times editorial, “Illegal Phone-Data Sweeps” (May 7, 2015)(
Explore the sites in the Website List below.
Use this Be Engaged forum as a "workspace" to discuss the following with your group, posting and replying as needed.
Write two paragraphs answering the following questions: What do you think of the CCTV cameras that cover Middlesborough, England?
Can you see something like this in your hometown?
How does the use of cameras differ from the National Security Agency’s (NSA) use of secret phone surveillance—particularly with regard to the control of our everyday lives?
Are these useful forms of enforcing public order? Why or why not?

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