Business and responsible leadership in times of crises







The Covid-19 crisis has put us in front of a situation where we have deeply understood the significance of the VUCA world. After the 2008 global economic and financial recession international markets, we had to acknowledge that speculative practices and irresponsible leadership generated important consequences. Nevertheless, the Covid-19 crisis has impacted our awareness at a much deeper level and, globally. Over the last 10 years the discourse revolving around concepts such as Corporate Social Responsibility, ethics, human centred approaches has ramped up. The main objective of this assignment is:

To elaborate a reflective essay considering the main leadership approaches (mainstream) that have characterized the pre-2008 global economic and financial crisis focusing mostly on the maximization of economic and financial outcomes and compare those approaches with the new leadership approaches that should be implemented to ensure a more inclusive, fair and responsible business environment.

The structure of the essay has to present the following sections:


traditional leadership models pre financial crisis;

new leadership approaches;



A good essay shows a good understanding of the main leadership styles putting them into connection with the wider environment. It shows that the author has developed enough critical and creative thinking and has identified the main references pertaining to each leadership style.

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