Business Computing

Calculate the following information:
Search the internet to purchase the following items using the 2 scenarios listed below. Calculate
and present all 2 scenarios using 1 Excel workbook.
SCENARIO NO.1 – Assume you are a Broker. Provide the following information for you client.
Purchase a Company Executive Car:
Your client is the CEO of a high tech business and she requires a new car. She has hired your brokerage
company to find suitable transportation for business. She entertains and meets with many foreign
business people so company image is important. She will use a company chauffer.
Provide your client with 3 different car model options. You select the recommended car for the client.

  1. You determine the down payment.
  2. Determine what your bank loan will be.
  3. Calculate the interest rate and make sure the Rate is described and displayed when you
    format your assignment. DO NOT USE an Internet purchase calculator. This MUST be
    calculated in Excel.
  4. Calculate what you monthly payment would be if the loan was amortized over the following
    a. 3 years
    b. 5 years
    c. 7 years
  5. You must display all 3 (Monthly) Calculations in your workbook.
  6. Provide 3 different car options to your client to select from.
  7. You can use the same Rate for all 3 car calculations.
  8. Use the bank’s prime rate of 3.25% as your base Prime Rate. Add 2.75% to the Bank’s Prime
    rate to determine the consumer loan Interest Rate.
  9. Provide 3 various down payment options.
  10. From the 3 possible cars you have provided for your client you are to select one of them as
    your recommendation. Insert a photograph of the recommended car purchase into your
    client Excel presentation sheets.
  11. Provide a brief description of the car.
  12. Invoice this client just for your services.
  13. Use an Excel Invoice Template “Simple Invoice” included in the Moodle File to bill your
  14. Include a GST tax of 6% for your services and calculate the results.
  15. The client will pay for their own products.
    SCENARIO NO. 2 – Assume you are a Yacht Broker. Provide the following information for a different
    Purchase a Sailboat: Your client is the owner of a manufacturing business and he would like to
    purchase another larger sailboat/yacht for personal use. He currently owns a C&C 27 ft. sailboat. He
    has hired your yacht brokerage company to find a suitable sailboat/yacht. He would like his next boat
    to sleep between 6 and 13 people. Use his current sailboat as a trade-in. The trade-in value will be
    25% of the new purchase. You may also recommend to your client an increased down payment
    amount. Calculate this value and clearly display it in your quote.
  16. Determine the trade-in value and calculate the down payment.
  17. The trade-in value will be 25% of the new boat purchase.
  18. Determine what will be financed.
  19. Calculate the interest rate and make sure the Rate is described and displayed when you
    format your assignment. DO NOT USE an Internet purchase calculator. This MUST be
    calculated in Excel.
  20. Calculate what your monthly payments would be if the loan was amortized over the
    following terms.
    a. 10 years
    b. 15 years
    c. 20 years
  21. You must display all 3 Terms (Monthly) calculation in your workbook
  22. Provide 3 different Yacht/Sailboat options for your client’s inspection.
  23. You can use the Same bank Rate for all 3 Yacht calculations
  24. Provide 3 various down payment options.
  25. Use the bank’s prime rate of .75% as your base Prime Rate. Add 2.75% to the Bank’s Prime
    rate to determine the consumer loan Interest Rate.
  26. Insert a photograph of your recommended yacht purchase into your client Excel
    presentation sheets.
  27. Provide a brief description of the Yacht/boat.
  28. Invoice this client for just your services.
  29. Use an Excel Invoice Template “Simple Invoice” included in the Moodle File to bill your
  30. Invoice this client for your services only.
  31. The client will pay for their own products.
    Presentation Instructions:
    A. Create a name for your Brokerage Company and display it on your pages.
    Also title it Excel Assignment No. 1.
    B. Insert your company name in the footer
    C. Create or use a clipart image for your logo. It should also be incorporated into your
    D. Upload your Excel workbook with all your client’s calculations.
    E. Name each work Sheet Tab using this Naming list:
    i. Car
    ii. Boat
    F. Apply formatting to your sheets
    G. Create an invoice for your services.
    a. Your broker fees will be calculated as a flat 14.35% on the total price of your
    recommend Car/Boat.
    b. Select and use only 1 of the 3 quotes for each of the scenarios. IE; 1 brokerage
    fee for the car purchase, 1 fee for the yacht/sailboat purchase.
    Use an Excel Invoice
    c. Create your brokerage company’s address.
    d. Create a Billing Address for each client.
    e. Add a GST tax of 6% for your services and calculate the results.
    f. Clearly display all of the financial information for you client’s inspection on the

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