Issues concerning shareholders and employees are of critical importance to the good functioning of any organization. In an academic essay format, compare and contrast the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation (MCC) with a traditional capitalist corporation of your choice and determine how the treatment of these stakeholders impacts on ethical outcomes.
Word length: 1500 words
This essay requires you to investigate the ethical treatment of shareholders and workers in a traditional, capitalist corporation of your choice and compare and contrast your findings with the treatment of these stakeholders in the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation. Please choose an organization that you admire for its ethical behaviour rather than one, such as Enron, that behaved so reprehensively that its only value these days is a “whipping boy” for ethicists.
As such, you need to investigate those issues that present as ethical dilemmas for these stakeholders and these are mentioned at considerable depth throughout chapters 6 and 7 of the Crane and Matten (2010) text. The 1982 BBC documentary “The Mondragon Experiment” is an excellent source of information about the origins and nature of the MCC and how the underlying principles upon which it based are made practical. The link to this video is on the course home page under the “Assessment Resources” heading. You will find further information about how Mondragon has progressed to the current day on the corporation’s website at