Business & Finance – Marketing

Q1. Can target marketing ever be bad?
Marketers constantly develop marketing programs to appeal to specific targets;
some critics have denounced these efforts as exploitative.
Target marketers have established marketing campaigns to:
 Targeting people with diabetes for ancillary needs, such as equipment for
taking insulin levels, or
 Contact lens wearers where driver’s license information has been attained
from state registries, and
 Campaigns are developed for fundraising at universities where they target
wealthy alums for gifts.
Consider the following statements:
 Targeting minorities can be exploitative.
 Targeting minorities is a sound business practice.
Please take a position, pro or con, and make an argument to support your side.
Please use marketing principles to help your answer, such as explaining the 4Ps of
such products (i.e., Products Marketed – vice products Alcohol, Cigarettes and
also how promotion is deployed, where are billboards placed?)
Your answer should be at most 1+ page long. Hint: Review Chapter 7
Q2. What is a good mission statement?
Virtually all firms have mission statements. These declarations help guide and
inspire employees and signal what is essential to the firm to those outside the
company. Mission statements are often the product of much deliberation and
At the same time, critics claim that mission statements sometimes lack teeth and
specificity. Moreover, critics also maintain, in many cases, that mission
statements are similar from firm to firm and therefore make the same empty


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