Business information systems

For this activity will you use the process diagrams and data table from module 1- MIS Project 1a: Identifying Processes. Using the data table that identified the actor, the major steps, the detailed steps, the type of data, and the way the data is used complete another table in this discussion along with the personal narrative.

What do I post? Explain how and why the data collected is important to both the customer and the organization (Amazon). Provide citations and references for any direct/indirect citations.

In your post of the 300-500-word narrative submit your table after making any necessary changes.
Identify in more detail based upon the module readings what type of data you have in the data type field and explain how the data is used- i.e. written, updated, etc.
Next, identify how data is stored in the logical structure of a relational database (i.e. data dictionary).
Finally, explain how and why the data collected is important to both the customer and the organization (Amazon).

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