Business; Organizational Management


Choose 5 videos from different chapters below and in one post write a paragraph for each video. Each paragraph should have a strong topic sentence and contain 5-6 additional supporting sentences.
Use 5+ key terms and/or concepts from the chapter that the video is associated with to provide analysis for each video and do NOT provide a summary. You should explain how the key terms or concepts relate to each video. Make sure to use bold font for key words and concepts from the class in your 5 paragraphs. Use the most important key terms from the chapter that relate to each video.

• Additionally you are to comment with a few sentences on 2 other students posts by adding to the discussion (not a simple question or agreement).

Chapter 6: Entrepreneurship
Go online and find a clip from the TV show “Shark Tank.” Provide the link and briefly describe the business and use key terms from the chapter to analyze the business. Also, explain why you think the business will be successful or not.

Chapter 7: Management and Leadership

Chapter 8: Organizational Management

Chapter 9: Production and Operations

Chapter 10: Motivating Employees
Find your own article or video on the web related to motivating employees and provide and analysis and the link.

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