Business Problem

Research a problem in a business that could be solved with an effective data solution, and use academic articles to report back on possible ways to solve it. Ideally, this problem will exist in a workplace where you currently work and is a really painful issue or is an issue that would create either a competitive advantage or deliver value. Meanning that the approach would solve a problem that would help the organisation to grow in some way. This could be through things like pricing, identifying valuable customers, increasing the lifetime value of customers, increasing the goodwill of the company in the community, and other related issues that may be found in other MBA courses. Below are useful planning steps to consider: Find a pressing issue or opportunity that data could provide a solution for. Write a short paragraph at the beginning, defining clearly what the problem is. Find 4 to 6 refereed articles that support the idea that this is a problem. In other words, find the articles that show why this is a problem. Write a summary paragraph at the end of the research explaining what a solution to the problem would be

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