Calculating variance and volatility

  1. What is the expected return for the following portfolio?
    Asset Return Weight
    A 20% 10%
    B 5% 40%
    C 7% 30%
    D 12% 20%
    a. The expected return given the weights above is not enough for
    your investor. Which weights you would assign to each of the
    assets described above to achieve the highest possible return?
    b. If you are a risk-averse investor, and considering the higher the
    return the higher the risk applies, which one of the 2 proposed
    portfolios would be more attractive for you. Explain why.
  2. Suppose you have invested in three stocks: A, B and C. You expect that
    returns on the stocks depend on the following two states of the economy,
    with the probabilities to happen given below
    Scenario Probability Return Stock A Return Stock B Return Stock C
    Boom 60% 6% 14% 30%
    Recession 40% 2% 2% -4%
    a. What is the expected return of an equally weighted portfolio of
    these 3 assets?
    b. What is the expected return of a portfolio invested 20% each in A
    and B and 60% in C?
  3. What´s the difference between covariance and correlation?
  4. Assume the following 2 stocks:
    Stock A Stock B
    25 10
    24 10
    21 9
    18 9
    a. Calculate variance and volatility for each asset
    b. Calculate covariance and correlation
    (Do not use the formulas in excel. Describe each column as we did
    in class)
  5. Describe the steps involved in the investment process. Describe each step.
  6. What is the correlation coefficient that brings the maximum reduction of
    risk? Justify why and give an example.
  7. Go to yahoo finance (
    a. Choose 2 different stocks
    b. Go to historical prices in each stock and download these:
    i. Monthly frequency for the last 15 years
    ii. Disregard any dividend paid. Use only the dates and close
    c. Calculate variance and volatility for each
    d. Calculate covariance and correlation
    e. Calculate monthly returns for each stock
    (Do this exercise only through the steps followed in class to find
    out variance, volatility, covariance and correlation. Use the
    formulas in excel to double check your results).

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