Can Mindfulness Base CBT Help mothers with ASD Children?

provide a 3500 word desk based Literature Review based on one of the following options: Either: 1. The research process – Define and describe a problem. A literature review of research and evidence that provides a background and justification of the chosen research question. .Format and content guidance Below is a suggested guideline to provide a framework for your final summative assignment: 1. Title Include an appropriate title, question or topic area heading. 2. Abstract (250 words, not included in the word count) Your abstract should be a brief summary of your work and: • identify the purpose of your purpose • describe the problem area • explain your methods • describe any results • provide a conclusion 3.Introduction (500-800 words) Possible subheadings could include: • What is research or what is evidence based practice? Include a brief definition and explain the importance for health and social care practice. • Provide an overview of the topic • Describe the work context or the practice are that will be considered in relation to the topic • Provide a justification or rationale to explain why the topic is important for this particular area of practice. • Describe any local key performance indicators, quality improvement indicators, strategies or policies.

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