1. Connections: When is a word a mislabeling? Has there been a time in your life when you’ve felt mislabeled, when the way you think about yourself has been misrepresented by a word? Do you see others around you called something they are not? What’s the result of such mislabeling?
2. Comprehension: What is the problem with Latinx, and why does Tlapoyawa prefer the terms Chicano and Mazewalli for himself?
3. Writing Moves: a. Tlapoyawa frames his argument about Latinx by discussing a film that bothered him in a specific way (paragraphs 1–5 and 15). How does the film discussion establish a focus for his argument and lead him to a solution?
b. In the middle of his essay, he locates his trouble with Latinx not in the “x” but in the concept of Latin America. How does he develop this part of his argument? He uses two long quotations here, as well. What do they add?
c. How does Tlapoyawa bring his essay to a persuasive close in the final paragraphs (15–18)?