Term papers are to focus upon the Canadian Criminal Justice System. Possible topics include:
- Describe how one part of the Criminal Justice System functions and if it is effective
- Discuss role conflicts between two parts of the Criminal Justice System.
- Any other Criminal Justice topic agreed to in advance by the professor.
Examples: The Community Policing model improves Police relations with the public; The Prime Minister should not choose Supreme Court Judges; Despite government directions, Police are continuing to use the practice of carding; The Police need better training in managing mentally ill offenders; Aboriginal Canadians are routinely denied their Chart Rights; Problem Solving Courts should be used more extensively in Canada; The Defense should be bound by the same rules of disclosure as the Crown; More offenders should receive parole. The paper must be double spaced, 3-5 pages in length, excluding cover page and references. It is to be presented in appropriate academic style, using APA format and a font size not in excess of 12. You must use the text and at least one other academic source.