Canadian social issues

Choose a recent Canadian issue or event covered in the news (the topic should be recent — an issue or event that was discussed by news media in the current term). Any topic covered in any section of the newspaper (politics, business, sports, culture etc) is acceptable, provided that it pertains to Canadian context (in other words, it is relevant to Canadians/happens in Canada). Using the concepts and ideas from one of the main sociological perspectives (functionalist, conflict, symbolic interactionist or feminist), analyze this topic. See the rubric for information on grading criteria. Please note that the essay must be analytical rather than descriptive. This means that you must argue something about the topic you chose, rather than simply describe the topic and summarize the news coverage of it.
Papers are due in Week 13 without exception. Papers should be submitted as a PDF or Word file, should be between 5-6 pages in length, excluding cover page and bibliography (double-spaced, 12 point font).

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