Capital punishment is the trial against Sayfullo Saipov


A current event that deals with capital punishment is the trial against Sayfullo Saipov. He is someone who ran over and killed 8 people in New York in 2017.
He is currently on trial to see if he will be receiving the death penalty of lethal injection or not. Although there are some against it, many people are for him
receiving this punishment. He showed no signs of remorse, and will not give up his loyalty to Islamic Terrorist Groups like ISIS. Prosecutors even go as far as
to saying: “Bike-Path Terror Defendant Is Too Dangerous for Prison.” They still have not decided, for they want more people who were affected by his terrible
crime to speak during the trial. This would relate to Kant’s way of thinking if he were to receive the death penalty. It would relate to Van Den Haag’s way of
thinking if he does not receive the death penalty.
Bike-Path Terror Defendant Is Too Dangerous for Prison, Prosecutors Say – The New York Times ( to an external site.
(2) Cheryl O
First Transgender Person Executed Under Rare Missouri Law (1).January 3, 2023, 2:56 PM; Judge imposed death sentence following hung jury; only two
states give judges this discretion. Missouri executed the first openly transgender person in the country on Tuesday evening under an uncommon state law…



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