Capstone Project


Welcome to the Graduate Project in Nursing course. In the MSN program you have learned that research and evidence-based practice are essential to improve the quality and safety in healthcare. As a master’s prepared nurse in the health care environments, you are expected to synthesize information from many sources, practice with advanced nursing knowledge, appraise research findings for application to practice, and collaborate in Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives. In this course you will complete an evidence-based capstone project. You will not actually implement the project. To accomplish your capstone project you will identify an area of practice within your specialization that can be improved. You will then go through the seven steps of evidence-based practice that include: searching for evidence, critically appraising that evidence in light of patient preferences and clinical expertise, developing a plan for implementation, assessing outcomes, and disseminating the results. The seven critical steps of EBP include: (text book for the course is Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, 3rd Edition Bernadette Melnyk) Step 1: Cultivate a Spirit of Inquiry Step2: Formulate the Burning Clinical PICOT Question Step 3: Search for and collect the most relevant best evidence. Step 4: Critically appraise the evidence Step 5: Integrate the best evidence with one’s clinical expertise and patient preferences and values in making a practice decision or change. Step 6: Evaluate outcomes of the practice decision or change based on evidence Step 7: Disseminate the outcomes of the EBP decision or change. The topic or issue I selected would be the increased risk for Clabsi in central lines by femoral approach. So maybe the background question could be “Is there an increased risk for Clabsi in central lines inserted with femoral approach?” Or “Can we reduce risk for Clabsi avoiding central lines insertions with femoral approach?” something like that. Then I will need several things: 1st: Background question (1 page, Instructions bellow) Post your background question and your strategy for getting a comprehensive understanding of the clinical issue. 2nd: A 3-page paper (Instructions bellow) After reading chapter two in Melnyk and reviewing the lectures you will submit a 3 page paper that explores the background of your issue. For this paper you will be defining this issue or disease using the literature. It will end with the PICOT question. The parts of your paper should include: • Introduction • Definition • Epidemiology • Clinical Presentation • Complications • Diagnosis • Conclusion with PICOT Question 3rd Table filled and 1 page summary (Instructions bellow I will upload table as an attachment) Using the following table—search the 5 databases based on your PICOT Question—under findings note the number of relevant articles found—under features discuss what you liked about that database. After filling the table make a 1-page summary of the search. 4th: Synthesis 1 page (Instructions bellow) Using a minimum of two articles that are supporting your PICOT question, submit one paragraph synthesizing the research into clear, concise statements without separately reviewing each of the studies in the paragraph—but by paraphrasing and synthesizing the work that was done. 5th: Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan (2 pages 1 each, Instructions bellow) This week you will be creating an Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan that will be attached to your final EBP. Outline your implementation plan steps 1-2-3 and evaluation plan listed as 1-2-3. 6th: Project Proposal (Instructions bellow) Students will submit a formal project proposal using APA format. The paper should include all topics below and while your paper will be in APA format an example to emulate is on page 248 of your Melnyk text. 1. Introduction (1 page) 2. The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited (1 page) 3. The PICOT Question Formulated and Search Strategy Conducted(1 page) 4. Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed (1 page) 5. Evidence Integrated with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences to Inform a Decision and Practice Change Implemented (1 page) 6. Outcome Evaluated (1 page) 7. Project Dissemination (1 page) 8. Conclusion (1 page) 7th: I need all the attached paper work to be filled and send back to me as soon as possible. (1 page)

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