2.Should nursing homes and other care facilities for older adults restrict or permit sexual activity among residents? Provide arguments for both answers, using examples from the textbook or other scholarly source to support your reasoning.
Useful resources:
• Wister, A. (2019). Aging as a social process: Canadian perspectives (7th ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
o Chapter 3
• Clements-Cortés, A. (2019). A social prescription for music please. Canadian Music Educator’s Journal 60(2), 31-33.
• Huntley, J. D., Corbett, A., Wesnes, K., Hampshire, A. & Ballard, C. (2017). Risk factors for dementia and cognitive function in healthy adults. Alzheimer’s and Dementia 13(7), Supplement, p. 1194-1995. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1783
• Lodge, A. & Umberson, D. (2016). Sexual intimacy in mid and late-life couples. In J. Bookwala, (Ed). Couple relationships in the middle and late years: Their nature, complexity and role in health and illness, pp. 115-134. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
• Dhingra, I., De Sousa, A., & Sonavane, S. (2016). Sexuality in older adults: Clinical and psychosocial dilemmas. Journal of Geriatric Mental Health, 3, 131-213.
• Dishman, R. K. et al. (2013). Physical activity epidemiology (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
1: Find a scholarly research study on any aspect of aging. Summarize the study (i.e. research question(s), method, participants, data measures, analysis, results, and conclusion) and provide a reference for the article at the end of your post. Include your own reaction to the study. This might constitute criticisms, importance of the study, or how the information learned from the study is important to your discipline.
The story of an older adult couple who were separated from each other due to requiring different types/levels of care [2:51] happens more than we might think, given the complexity of providing care required for some older adults, and the need for specialized care (i.e. dementia support vs. mental health support). In fact, in many long-term care homes, couples are often separated and live in different units of the home due to their needs.
How would it be possible to provide high-quality care to a couple with quite opposite health care needs?
Useful resources:
• Wister, A. (2019). Aging as a social process: Canadian perspectives (7th ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
o Chapter 9
• Module 9 course notes
• Tosi, M. & Grundy, E. (2018). Returns home by children and changes in parents’ well-being in Europe. Social Science and Medicine, 200, 99-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.01.016
• Centre for Policy and Aging. (2014). Changing family structures and their impact on the care of older people (Opens PDF document) [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www.cpa.org.uk/information/reviews/CPA-Rapid-Review-Changing-family-structures.pdf
• Connidis, I. (2010). Family ties and aging (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Pine Forge Press.
• CBC Docs POV. (2017, November 19). Birth of a family [Video file] [44:07]. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/episodes/birth-of-a-family
• CBC News. (2017, December 19). Senior couple forced to separate just days before Christmas [Video file] [2:51]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXLTLYGlo38
• Cut. (2018, July 31). Grandparents and grandkids play truth or drink [Video file] [8:36]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgqtGdeKybY
• Graham, J. (2018, May 10). Older couples are increasingly living apart. Here’s why [Video file] [2:03]. Retrieved from http://time.com/5271527/older-couples-living-apart-unmarried/
• Mitchell, B. (2017). Family matters: An introduction to family sociology in Canada (3rd ed). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
• Statistics Canada. (2017). Estimates of population by marital status or legal marital status, age and sex for July 1, 2016. Canada provinces and territories. Retrieved from http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=3605
• Telegraph. (2017, March 22). Mothers and daughters discuss relationships and marriage [Video file] [3:09]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lV6MLJ3bBk
• Tosi, M. & Grundy, E. (2018). Returns home by children and changes in parents’ well-being in Europe. Social Science and Medicine, 200, 99-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.01.016
• Vanier Institute of the Family. (2019). Definition of family. Retrieved from https://vanierinstitute.ca/definition-family/
• Wister, A. (2019). Aging as a social process: Canadian perspectives (7th ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
3.The use of digital technologies by older adults can decrease and/or increase feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Provide reasons and examples of how this might happen.
Useful resources:
• Wister, A. (2019). Aging as a social process: Canadian perspectives (7th ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
o Chapter 11
• Module 11 course notes
• CBS. (2018, January 5). Social media on the rise among seniors. Retrieved from https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2017/52/social-media-on-the-rise-among-seniors
• Hawkley, L. C., & Kocherginsky, M. (2018). Transitions in loneliness among older adults: A 5-year follow-up in the National social life, health, and aging project. Research on Aging, 40(4), 365–387. https://doi.org/10.1177/0164027517698965
• Ingen, E. van, & Wilson, J. (2017). I volunteer, therefore I am? Factors affecting volunteer role identity. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(1), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.1177/0899764016659765
• Manning, L. K. & Miles, A. (2018). Examining the effects of religious attendance on resilience for older adults. Journal of Religion and Health, 57, 191–208. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-017-0438-5.
• Welch, A. (2016, August 9). This benefit of volunteering may grow with age. Retrieved from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/volunteering-improve-mental-health-well-being/