Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores

Now that you’ve been introduced to your specimen, take some time as a group to think about and discuss your initial impressions. After you’ve done that answer the following questions. Remember, there are no correct answers, just justifications for what you think. Be creative, but be thorough and clear in your answers.

1) What does this organism eat? Carnivore? Herbivore? Omnivore? Why?

2) How does this organism eat? Are there any particular features that you think help in the effort to get food? Why?

1) Do you think this organism reproduces sexually or asexually? Why?

2) Describe this organisms’ reproduction? If you think it’s reproduces sexually, what differences are there between males and females? What is the purpose of these differences?

1) Do you think this organism has any predators? Why? Why not?

2) How would this organism avoid predators? Are there any features that might help in its effort to stay alive?

1) How long do you think this organism lives? Why?

2) List any organisms you think are closely related to this organism.

3) What is the evolutionary history of this organism? How did it come to exist in its environment? *If there are multiple explanations within the group list them all

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