Case Analysis-A Battle Emerging in Mobile Payments


What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile payment systems in (a) developed countries
and (b) developing countries?
What are the key factors that differentiate the different mobile payment systems? Which factors do consumers
care most about? Which factors do merchants care most about?
Are there forces that are likely to encourage one of the mobile payment systems to emerge as dominant? If so,
what do you think will determine which becomes dominant?
Is there anything the mobile payment systems could do to increase the likelihood of them becoming dominant?
Importantly, apply as many of the COs (Course Objectives) as you can to the case. These are given for
reference below.
Your Case should be 2 1/2 – 3 pages (approximately 600 – 750 words), double spaced, have at least three
references using APA format (you may use one or two references cited from the case but you should have at
least one additional unique reference from your own research) , and typed in an easy-to-read font (Times New
Roman 12 font recommended) in MS Word (no pdfs or rtfs or non standard formats). Please include a cover
sheet with your full name, the case name, our course number (NETW583), and the date you submit.
Submit your assignment.
Course Objectives:
CO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.
CO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological
CO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the
CO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the
organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.
CO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation
strategy through its new product development strategy.
CO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will
facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization



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