Case analysis and a plan of how to influence policy Change

1.Choose one of the priority non-communicable diseases in your country or any country you are familiar with, 2.Establish the extent of the problem and its determinant factors. 3.Map the current government policies in tackling the problem and related determinant factors 4.Suggest an alternative or complementary policy action/option that the government need to take to break the vicious-circle of non-communication diseases in your country. 5.Map at least four key actors who may influence policy change by either supporting or opposing it. 6.Using the power analysis cube, analyse the key actors’ power (levels, forms and spaces) to influence policy change 7.Develop an action plan of how you will influence the government to adopt your suggested policy actions or responses bearing in mind the power of key actors mapped in point 5. 8.Reflect on how modules 7 to 12 helped you to complete this assignment and equally, how did the assignment help you to further your understanding of health policy and decision making. Provide the evidence base for your reflection (2 discussion boad posts and 2 journal entries).

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