case study – 3

case study – 3

Order Description

please follow the below as on the previous cases i lose marks because of the below missing points:

Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words which should include Introduction, body & conclusion

• Structure of the response including clear introductory and concluding remarks with body.
• Showing of examples wherever applicable.
• Drawing graphs wherever applicable.
• Academic evidence supporting the argument.
• Logical flow and smooth transitions between arguments.
• In adequate discussion, wirte more details.
• Need to use theory to support your argument.
• Need to define the main concept (Academic evidence)
• Own contribution (to explain HOW which is not being addressed)

Use the below book to answer the questions:
Principles of Leadership, International Edition, 7th Edition | Print: ISBN-10 1133435297, ISBN-13 9781133435297
Author(s): DuBrin
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Copyright year: © 2013 Pages: 576

All the questions have equal weight and comprehensive/descriptive in nature in case analysis. Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words. Up to a maximum of 70% of the allocated mark for each question will be assigned for the accuracy and completeness of the answer. Up to a maximum 30% of the mark will be allocated mainly but not limited on the demonstration of the following parameters:
Use the below book to answer the questions:
Principles of Leadership, International Edition, 7th Edition | Print: ISBN-10 1133435297, ISBN-13 9781133435297
Author(s): DuBrin
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Copyright year: © 2013 Pages: 576
•    Structure of the response including clear introductory and concluding remarks with body.
•    Showing of examples wherever applicable.
•    Drawing graphs wherever applicable.
•    Academic evidence supporting the argument.
•    Logical flow and smooth transitions between arguments.
•    In adequate discussion, wirte more details.
•    Need to use theory to support your argument.
•    Need to define the main concept (Academic evidence)
•    Own contribution (to explain HOW which is not being addressed)
Free of grammar and spelling errors along with appropriate writing style – clear and concise.

Chapter 8, page 268 – Frank Wont Accept “We Cant” for an Answer

Q8.1. Based on the limited evidence, how would you characterize Frank’s leadership style?

Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Q8.2. What leadership behaviours and attitudes is Frank displaying?
Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Q8.3. How else might Frank approach his project managers about developing new business?
Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

chapter 10: Leadership case Problem A p.331: Be fit or be out of favor at CFI Westgate

Q10.1: Which influence tactics does David Siegel appear to be using in his attempt to combat employee smoking and obesity?
Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Q10.2:What suggestions might you offer Siegel to help him be more successful in his attempts at influencing employee weight control?

Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Q10.3: What is your evaluation of the ethics of a CEO attempting to influence employees to avoid obesity?
Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Chapter 11, page 344 Adam Gryglak

Q11.1. What types of power did team leader Adam Gryglak use to accomplish his mission?
Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Q11.2. Why was team spirit important to accomplishing the mission of building a new truck engine?

Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words

Q11.3.Why should a person studying leadership care about the activities of a diesel chief engineer at the truck division of a vehicle manufacturer?
Answer: Each question is expected to be within 150 to 200 words


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