Case Study Format






You want your case to be well organized and well written to be sure that information you include is easily identified and followed by your reader. The following can be used as section headings to help you organize the paper:

 Brief overview of relevant symptoms from case
• Olivia Jacobs, 22 year old graduate student in architecture; psychiatric history began at age 15;
• Suicidal thoughts of shooting self in the head
• History of mood symptoms
• Depressive symptoms returned
• Regularly smoked weed and drunk alcohol but stopped when started graduate school
• Ate 17 begin experiencing brief, intensive depressive episodes, marked by tearfulness, feelings of guilt, anhedonia, hopelessness, low energy, and poor concentration
• Sleep more than 12 hours a day neglecting responsibilities at school or home
• Depressive episodes shifted after a few weeks into periods of increased energy, pressured speech, and unusual creativity; stayed up most the night working on projects and building architectural models
• Revved- up episodes lasted about 5 days and punctuated by feels that her friends had turned against her
• Paranoia
• Depressed, tearful, and psychomotor slowing
• Struggled to get out bed
• Reported hopelessness, poor concentration, and guilt about spending family money for school
• Denial of recent drug and alcohol use
• Feel empty
• Occasional self harm by cutting her arms



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