Case study on acute nursing needs

. Develop an appropriate response to the acute nursing needs of a diverse range of Outcomes for this clients. assessment 5. Utilise evidence based practice to identify and problem solve the needs of patients in acute situations. Assessment 1 Instructions Case study Kylie Melville is a 47 year old female who has a history of ‘not being able to breathe well through her nose’, and this disrupts her sleep. Kylie also states that if she exercises or exerts herself, she ‘cannot get enough air in’ and has to mouth-breathe, using breathing techniques to take deep, slow breaths to stabilise her breathing pattern, so that she does not go dizzy. Kylie has a history of sensitivity to codeine (which causes nausea, dizziness, temperature flushes and malaise), is not on any medication, and has no other medical conditions. After review by the specialist ENT surgeon, it was arranged for Kylie to undergo surgery for a septoplasty and right ethmoidectomy. On arrival pre-operatively Kylie’s observations were: T-36.7oC, HR-74bpm, RR-18pm, BP

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