Cases when it is legitimate for someone to say “I had no choice”

Choose one option. Since these options are similar, please indicate with option you are choosing in the subject line of your post. Your intial post should be a minimum of two well-developed paragraphs of at least 6-8 sentences each. Your response should be a minimum of 3-5 sentences.

Option 1: Kierkegaard believes that being ethical is not the ultimate ideal mode of existence–one must also have religious faith. He explains this third stage as a “leap of faith.” Do you think that he is saying one must leave logic behind in order to trust God? Do you think people turn to religion out of logic?

Option 2: For Sartre, any explanation that deflects one’s complete responsibility is an example of bad faith. Do you agree? Are there cases where people should not be held accountable for what they have done? Are there cases when it is legitimate for someone to say “I had no choice”?

Response 1:I do believe that Kierkegarrd is saying that we must leave reason and the rules of society behind. Maybe people do turn to religion out of logic. I know for myself I believe that because of God, I am the person I am today. Putting my faith in Him is what has helped me through the struggles I have faced with addiction. I am content with praying and speaking God’s word over my life. I believe that without Him I would have ended up spending the rest of my life in prison. Instead, am free and have an amazing life which I give Him all the credit for. Yes, I put in the work, but without Him, I would not have had the willingness or the strength to move forward and be happy and enjoy life.
Response 2: I do not think trusting God and logic are separate. For an example as a child you are taught to look both ways before crossing the road, however most parents teach this but still hold the child’s hand until they trust the child can do it on thier own. So is the same of for God and logic. An individual should show logic and maturity when making decisions however in the end faith helps us make decisions that will affect all in a positive light. God is a parent and as such is simply teaching his children.
I think most people rely on faith alone most times because they are to afraid to use their own judgement. They use the excuse of faith so they do not have to own poor decisions. Faith and logic can walk hand in hand however it is in the hands of sinics and people who abuse and mislead what faith actually is intended for that causes the two to be seen as desperate. People who simply don’t believe might use logic alone and those who corrupt the belief denounce faith.

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