Identify and describe at least two (2) landmark court decisions directly related to the way the criminal justice system must handle a juvenile offender. […]
The pros and cons of incarceration as a deterrence to delinquency.
Discuss the pros and cons of incarceration as a deterrence to delinquency. Consider the safety of the community as well as youth’s development.
Why juveniles engage in acts of delinquency.
Criminologists have introduced a number of theories that attempt to explain why juveniles engage in acts of delinquency. Some of these theories focus on the […]
How encryption can be protected as free speech.
Explain how encryption can be protected as free speech. What is the difference between criminal and civil law in examining free speech issues? […]
Expert Testimony
Introduction You were the lead investigator on Operation Stop Hack and have now been subpoenaed as an expert witness in the case against the perpetrators. It […]
Criminal Professionalism
Answer the following questions: 1. How would you define stress, and what are the general areas of police work that contribute to stress? 2. What are […]
Innovative crime-fighting techniques
What are some examples of innovative crime-fighting techniques in the war on cyber-crime? Do any of these diminish a person’s rights?
A rational cost-benefit analysis
What does it mean to use a rational cost-benefit analysis as the basis for crime prevention policy? Explain one barrier to the implementation of rational […]
Community-based correctional/treatment programs
Are community-based correctional/treatment programs more effective than incarceration? Explain your reasoning and provide supporting evidence for your argument. Finally, provide an example of an evidence-based practice […]
The conflict that law enforcement officers pose when investigating one of their own.
Students will analyze the conflict that law enforcement officers pose when investigating one of their own. Because police officers have immunity, justification for not prosecuting […]