What are some cultural scripts you can identify in your own culture or community? What purpose do these scripts serve? How do cultural scripts tie in with the […]
Rites Of Passage And Attraction
What do you know about cultural variation in relationships and rites of passage and their relationship to normative developmental milestones?
Utilizing the narrative below discuss historical trauma from the perspective of providing care for NA children in foster care. A NATIVE AMERICAN GIRL AT RISK FOR CULTURAL IDENTITY […]
Cultural groups beliefs and practices might impact healthcare decision-making,
Create an outline for your comprehensive assessment of how your selected cultural groups beliefs and practices might impact healthcare decision-making, treatment adherence, your communication, your interventions, and your education to […]
How refugees and asylum seekers
How refugees and asylum seekers can get the culturally sensitive and trauma-informed mental health interventions they require.
How cultural capital affect an individual’s ability to participate in either high culture or popular culture
How does cultural capital affect an individual’s ability to participate in either high culture or popular culture?
Cultural Influences
Argue how maintaining a strong connection to one’s cultural heritage is essential for personal identity. Support their argument with examples of how cultural influences contribute to a richer understanding […]
Cultural humility and cultural competence.
Discuss personal and professional experiences with diversity and/or inclusion topics to facilitate cultural humility and cultural competence. 1) Read the Diversity and Discrimination in Healthcare article. 2) View […]
The role cultural and societal factors play in shaping perceptual biases
What role do cultural and societal factors play in shaping perceptual biases? How can we differentiate between genuine perceptions and biases when evaluating information or situations? Are perceptual […]
Categories of the Outline for Cultural Formulation.
Critique the first 4 categories of the Outline for Cultural Formulation. Discuss the 1 criterion you believe is the most important for understanding how a client’s presenting issue […]