. Compare the economies of South Africa and Vietnam. Both countries are known as “emerging markets.” Both have been emerging for a long time. This is an opportunity to […]
New Selling of America
Please watch the “New Selling of America” http://video.thinktv.org/video/1434944712/ and then answer those questions.: 1.What are the key points about the evolution of sales as a profession discussed in the […]
Economic Cartoon Analysis
Is there a phrase used, speech bubbles or title for the cartoon? What does it suggest? Labels Are any individuals, ideas or objects labelled? Who or […]
Things taxed by the Parliamentary acts of 1764-1767.
1. Name three (3) things taxed by the Parliamentary acts of 1764-1767. 2. State two (2) reasons Thomas Paine gives in his Common Sense for why Britain should not […]
The U.S. Balance of Payments
Answer the below question/topic using a U.S. perspective. 500+ words + citations. Use the following ebook URL. download_file=367190&order=wc_order_mWKH64FsdLJfx&uid=69b93f3e48f9ab22c60bdd4dbcb958ac2f66045f9 e300-45eb-b732-f514eeb75436 …. Can also the following news articles…. https://bea.gov/newsreleases/international/transactions/transnewsrelease.htm https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/12/16/apples-service-exports-mystery-and-why-the-trade-deficit-sim Trade Deficits […]
Older adults living in poverty
Analyze a human rights issue that intersects with human rights and/or social, economic, and/or environmental justice. Conduct a review of the literature related to their social justice issue. Synthesize […]
Economists’ ignorance of how the economy works
Which one factor—(a) economists’ ignorance of how the economy works, (b) shorter time lags between policy implementation and the response of economic agents to policy changes, (c) inaccurate and incomplete […]
Importance of entrepreneurship to the American economy
Explain the importance of entrepreneurship to the American economy, why people are willing to take the risksof entrepreneurship, and outline the advantages and disadvantages small businesses have in entering globalmarkets.
How businesses and nonprofit organizations add to the standard of living
Discuss how businesses and nonprofit organizations add to the standard of living and quality of life for all;explain the importance of entrepreneurship to the wealth of an economy, and how […]
Sharing economics.
Write a paper critically evaluating sharing economy from social, economics, environmental, and policyperspectives using a sharing economy platform that you choose (e.g. Zipcar, bikeshring, etc) Except of Airbnband Uber.