Based on historical returns, a portfolio has a Sharpe ratio of 2.0. If the mean return to the portfolio is 20%, and the mean return to a risk-free asset […]
The FV calculation
Your pension Fund manager estimates that the corporate sponsor will make CHF 10 Million contributions, 5 years from now. The rate of return on the plan assets is estimated […]
Retirement benefits
Your dad has been asked to retire today and take his retirement benefits either as a lump sum or as an annuity. The pension officer presents him with two […]
Compound interest semi-annually
You open a bank account today (06th April 2022) expecting that your dad will credit your account three years later. If indeed your dad puts in CHF 15’500, how […]
Portfolio’s standard deviation of return
The following information applies to a portfolio composed of Fund A and Fund B. Portfolio weights (%) Fund A 70 Fund B30 Expected returns (%) Fund A 10 Fund […]
The mean annual percentage change
A Mathematics Investment analyst receives the following data showing the percentage changes in Labor costs of Junior managers in an investment bank Chain over a 12-months period. The highest […]
Arithmetic mean, median, and mode Salary
The following figures show the annual salaries in CHF of 20 GBS Mathematics of Finance students doing Internship at Bank chains in Barcelona and Geneva. Calculate the arithmetic […]
Work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race
Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, communication styles, thought, and other differences. Discuss […]
Corporation’s Industry Trends
Discuss the trends that you see when comparing your corporation (Coca Cola) to your corporation’s industry trends. How could or should the content of this discussion topic assist professional […]
Digital marketing strategy
This is a project for the Digital Marketing module of my EMBA programme. Please select the company/organisation of your choice. The course covered the following learning outcomes: LO1 Understand the […]