Dennis Prager’s “The Opposite Sex” and Irwin Shaw’s “The Girls in Their Summer Dresses” propose views about male and female insatiability. Write an essay that demonstrates how Shaw’s work […]
Differences between male and female writers
What do you consider to be the major differences between male and female writers whose works we have read this past semester in terms of their style of writing, treatment […]
Margaret Fuller, Woman in the 19th Century (71-83).
Read Margaret Fuller, from Woman in the 19th Century (71-83). What strategy does Fuller use to make her argument? Why does she do this? What does Fuller see […]
An Analysis of Chinese Bhikshuni Longlian’s Promotion of Gender Equality
An Analysis of Chinese Bhikshuni Longlian’s Promotion of Gender Equality or an Analysis of Chinese Buddhist Philanthropy and Development Ask yourself the following questions: Why it is worth studying […]
Challenges women faced in the 1980s
QUESTION: Based on these comics, what challenges did women continue to face in the 1980s? (No outside information just use the comics and say “in primary source #”
Gender and politics
Do you think that one’s gender makes a difference as to being a political candidate? Discuss your answer.
Psychology of women waves of feminism
The sources of the paper have to be only from LIU database
When a student has same-sex parents
A second grade teacher, noticing that a student who has same-sex parents is being teased, decides to read a book to the class about a child who has […]
All Men Are Created Equal
Army Regulation 600-13 provides the following: “The Army’s assignment policy for female soldiers allows women to serve in any officer or enlisted specialty or position except in those specialties, positions, […]
Men, women, non-binary, and transgender treatment at school
Describe how you see young men, women, non-binary, and transgender individuals treated at school, both by their peers and by teachers. If you see a difference, in general, in […]