This unit covers equal employment opportunity and discrimination. For a quick review, you can access the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Discrimination by Type […]
Human Resource Management
Facilitating employee improvement when there are noted deficiencies
Besides feedback during an evaluation, what other measures can you employ to facilitate employee improvement when there are noted deficiencies? Offer three options, and explain which […]
The Labor Relations Department
The Labor Relations Department in a union-based manufacturing company has requested the design and development of a management training course to address the lack of preparedness for arbitration […]
Scheduling and Staffing
Competency Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes. Scenario You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short-staffed. You have five registered […]
Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices
Go to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and review the section titled Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices Provide examples of two of the following that […]
Types of Discrimination on the United States
Review Types of Discrimination on the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s website. Discuss three types of discrimination of your choice. Which key laws apply to […]
Achieving organization’s strategic goals
There is so much HR professionals can do to achieve their organization’s strategic goals. Discuss some of the ideas presented in Susan Milligan’s article about the […]
The reasons employees join labor unions.
Issues and disagreements between management and employees lead to the formation of labor unions. Over the decades, the role of labor unions has been interpreted […]
Benefits package to appeal to new employees
Organizations offer all kinds of benefits to employees today, such as health insurance and retirement benefits. What else might a company include in its benefits […]
Resolving conflicts in management.
Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company’s […]