In your opinion and based on what you have learned thus far, would an employee be better off if covered by Federal Workers’ Compensation type […]
Human Resource Management
Improving your HR department’s efficacy.
How do you feel your organization’s HR department could be more innovative and creative? Please give three suggestions and elaborate on how your suggestions would […]
Job coaching for a traditional American company.
Your company has just hired your foreign friend to work in a middle-management position. As a new manager, she is interested in coaching […]
How quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes
Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing […]
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Safety issues have been one of the leading concerns among human resources (HR) professionals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the government organization […]
Employee compensation and benefits
Employee compensation and benefits are a key way that companies are able to attract talented employees. To design a competitive compensation and benefits package, HR […]
The legal requirements of managing HR
Within organizations, the human resources department is considered an ally by some managers and a barrier by others. The legal requirements of managing HR require you […]
Environmental trends that affect the HR function
Throughout this course, we will discuss several environmental trends that affect the HR function. Since each of you has a different experience, do the following […]
Employee turnover.
As the new HR manager of a jewellery company, you have put together some preliminary reports for the CEO. One of the reports you compiled […]
Creating a plan for hiring new employees to replace ineffective existing employees.
You have been hired by a new owner of an organization that wants to evaluate existing employees and create a plan for hiring new […]