Explain how Blake’s two “Chimney Sweeper” poems need to be read together to fully understand the poets’ intent. Or, instead, do the same for “The Tyger” and “The Lamb”: why […]
Phillis Miracle.
Contemporary poet June Jordan calls Wheatley “Phillis Miracle.” Why is her achievement(s) considered a “miracle”? How did this “miracle” affect the thinking and assumptions at the time and even contributed […]
Comparison of poems
Compare and contrast Gabriel Garcia Marquez Mistral to Alfonsina Storni: PoetryMust be in a PowerPoint such as google slides
Multimedia Poetry Project
CHOOSE A WELL-KNOWN POEM OR SONG LYRICS. (It cannot be something written by you or afriend.) Do not use a Haiku or Tanka, as they are too short. Make sure […]
Poem analysis
What different motives and explanations for the speaker’s actions might Nebraska provide by means of whathe says, how he speaks, and how his speech is rendered on the page? Might […]
What is an eco-poem?“An [eco]-poem uses a formulaic structure to create a poem expressing what the writer sees as significant or meaningful dimensions of [the role ofnature in a text]” […]
Poem analysis
Choose any two of the poems and…sort of react to them. You could say what you like or don’t like, you couldsay what you think they are trying to do, […]
Why did Sappho write lyric poems instead of essays? Why did Nina Paley create a film instead of write a manifesto about Sita and her heartbreak? Though the works we […]
Poems About the Natural World.
Critically expand upon discussion topic below at greater length and depthLook closely at such matters as diction (word choice), repetition, figures of speech (metaphor, simile, and so on), imagery, voice, […]
The Color Purple Research
Read the following overview of Alice Walker as a background to your essay.Here is what you need to do: Read the poems below. You can find the poems after an […]