This week we learned how research designs are different and help us to objectively study nursing problems; the key is to decide which type of research and design will […]
Research Statistic
Your team is with Metro City Police Department’s newly established crime prevention unit. You (as a team) have been tasked with assisting the new Chief of Police […]
Research methods
Read ; Do you agree with the issues and challenges of collection methods in criminological research as described in the article? Why or why not? How […]
The fundamentals of research
Description Complete the two following research assignments : Part One: Before completing this course, students are required to demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of research and proper […]
Research Analysis
Title: Exploring socio-technological attributes For Smart classroom innovation Chapter One: Introduction This Chapter establishes the foundation for this research by outlining the background, motivation and problem statement of the […]
Research designs
We learned how research designs are different and help us to objectively study nursing problems; the key is to decide which type of research and design will serve the […]
Research project
When you develop a research project, you need to have a reliable and valid method of measurement in your study. Using your anticipated research proposal (Hand Washing in […]
Qualitative or quantitative research methods
Yang, W., & Li, H. (2018). A school-based fusion of East and West: A case study of modern curriculum innovations in a Chinese kindergarten. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 50(1), […]
Drivers and analysis of effectiveness correlations
Using business drivers and analysis of effectiveness correlations Download the file Prepare a chart similar to the one in the downloaded file to indicate whether the […]
Research Analysis
Select a specific family stressor (e.g. mental illness, substance abuse etc.) or life transition (immigration, death of a spouse etc.) you would like to explore further. What does the research […]