Define force multipliers and list and describe four force multipliers. 4. Define the types of threats posed by technological terrorism
National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT)
The U.S. Government published the most recent National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT) in October 2018. For this second topic you are to develop a framework for a […]
Combating terrorism through social media
Terrorists are now using social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to promote propaganda and recruit new members. Do you believe that social […]
Training on organized crime and cyber terrorism
As a recent Criminal Justice graduate, you have been hired by Criminal Justice Training Group to present an important training on organized crime and cyber terrorism to […]
Dealing with the heightened concern about homegrown terrorism
How should the United States government deal with the heightened concern about homegrown terrorism and the growing concern for preservation of civil liberties? What should be done in […]
World War I
a) World War I, b) World War II, c) Vietnam War, d) Gulf War, e) War in Afghanistan, f) or Iraq War. You must perform a Web quest […]
Why modern revolutionary terrorism
Briefly explain why modern revolutionary terrorism reached its zenith in the 1960s and 1970s. How are Maoist revolutionary terrorists different from most other revolutionary terrorists? Summarize the environment in […]
Manufactured goods decline in the US after World War II
According to the text, why did the quality of manufactured goods decline in the US after World War II, and how did Japan take advantage of that situation?
Title II of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act
Title II of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act outlines the improvement of the intelligence capabilities of the FBI. What sort of improvements are to […]
Terrorism is caused by poverty
Throughout the history of modern terrorism, government officials, counterterrorism professionals, and academic scholars have sought to understand the root motives and ideological causes, mechanisms, and processes related to terrorism. […]