The Second World War affected the foreign policies of the United States in the postwar world. How did the strained allied relationships, particularly those of the United States and […]
Terrorist Typologies
Terrorist Typologies What is a typology, what do they do, and why are they important? What are the two most useful terrorists’ typologies? List each and describe the elements for […]
Typologies and Classification of Terrorist Organizations
As you have learned in this unit, there are several typologies and classification systems of terrorism both in the United States and abroad. Typologies and classification systems are important […]
The different methods used by terrorist groups to recruit new members
Discuss the different methods used by terrorist groups to recruit new members. Which do you think is the most successful method and why? Describe how terrorist groups use different […]
Forum:Tourism in the Caribbean
After reading the items on tourism in the Caribbean this week, what are your thoughts on tourism in the Caribbean? Is tourism beneficial to the region, despite any negative impact […]
Government to terrorist immunity
In a hostage crisis, is it ethical for a government to agree to grant a terrorist immunity if he releases the hostages, even though the government has every […]
iCivics’ “Argument Wars”
Play iCivics’ “Argument Wars” at: is no need to register with in order to play the iCivics game; simply click on the “No thanks” option to continue. You […]
Triggers to Terrorism
Study the different triggers to terrorism in Chapter 3. Find an example of a country with one or more of these triggers and that now has a problem […]
Countering Terrorism
How would the state counter terrorism efforts affect Littman and Palluck’s (2015) argument that “identification with one’s violent group serves as a strong motivator for participation in violent behavior”?
United and Strengthening America
In October of 2001, the United States enacted the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act. This new legislation was […]